The thing about today is that it is present. It is not everlasting, because twenty four hours of it will repeat its cycle again by the time the clock strikes twelve. It is not omni-present, because there is one thing you call yesterday, the other tomorrow.
The thing about today is, you don’t get second chances. You don’t get repetitions, you don’t get a rewind, a fast forward, you just get to hit play and let it go on. It is both a beauty and a curse – the best things only happen once in a lifetime, and when repetitions occur you often fail to see the beauty of them, but you often wish for that moment again that you spend your life living in regret.
But today is of course a moment to live in. Someone once said, a person living in tomorrows is a fool. We always think there’s always tomorrow, so there’s no need to do it today. Push, delay, postpone. Another lives in yesterdays, looking back and what could have been.
I happen to live in yesterday and cower in fear for tomorrow.
Isn’t it beautiful to just choose to live in today? To overcome whatever worries about the next day and the day after that, to remember yesterdays as something that we have come across and have to accept. Because today is yesterday’s tomorrow, and today is tomorrow’s yesterday.
Never cower in fear of what will happen in the future.
As long as we live today to the fullest, tomorrows will always be something to look forward to.
The thing about today is, you don’t get second chances. You don’t get repetitions, you don’t get a rewind, a fast forward, you just get to hit play and let it go on. It is both a beauty and a curse – the best things only happen once in a lifetime, and when repetitions occur you often fail to see the beauty of them, but you often wish for that moment again that you spend your life living in regret.
But today is of course a moment to live in. Someone once said, a person living in tomorrows is a fool. We always think there’s always tomorrow, so there’s no need to do it today. Push, delay, postpone. Another lives in yesterdays, looking back and what could have been.
I happen to live in yesterday and cower in fear for tomorrow.
Isn’t it beautiful to just choose to live in today? To overcome whatever worries about the next day and the day after that, to remember yesterdays as something that we have come across and have to accept. Because today is yesterday’s tomorrow, and today is tomorrow’s yesterday.
Never cower in fear of what will happen in the future.
As long as we live today to the fullest, tomorrows will always be something to look forward to.