
This is the official blog of Winna Efendi, author of several bestselling Indonesian novels.

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

YA Book Wishlist 2014

Books I look forward to the most (next year can't come soon enough!):

The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

I cannot tell you how much I love Michelle Hodkin and her Mara Dyer trilogy. Noah Shaw is the best male character in a YA book, other than Wes from Sarah Dessen's the Truth About Forever. It's got comedy, crime, horror, thrill and romance at the same time. June 2014. And that cliffhanger..... I can't wait for the final book.

Panic by Lauren Oliver

Best thing besides Michelle Hodkin is my favorite author Lauren Oliver. She writes fiction like poetry. Her characters are always strong, her plots taut, her stories wonderfully told like a bedtime story you don't ever want to end. March 2014. First book in a new series.

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

A bit too X-Men for my taste, with romance that makes me cringe sometimes. But that was the first book. The second one picked up and left others to bit the dust. So I'm awaiting the third book like a charm. February 2014.

The One by Kiera Cass

Readers have had problems with the way the story is narrated, and the cliches overblown here and there. But it's strangely addicting. The third book here has got the best cover out of the two previous books. Or maybe it's just that I have this thing about the color white... May 2014.

The Unbound by Victoria Scwhab

I haven't read the first one but have it on my wishlist for so long. It sounds like it'd be such a joy ride. January 2014.

Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor

Ah. I have the first one but haven't read it yet, and I will soon! April 2014.

Champion by Marie Lu

Have heard so much good things about this one. I might read it one day. November 2013.

Shattered by Teri Terry

Last book in the trilogy, the only book that's British. I like the first one, a bit bored by the second... but I'm awaiting the third one with bated breath. March 2014.

Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Remember When akan diadaptasi ke versi layar lebar

It's official: Remember When akan dijadikan film layar lebar!

Masih ingat beberapa bulan lalu saat Refrain naik tayang, banyak teman-teman pembaca yang request agar Remember When juga dijadikan film. Your wish is coming true! Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan teman-teman semua.

Saat ini yang baru bisa kupastikan hanya bahwa Remember When akan difilmkan oleh Rapi Film dan menggunakan judul yang sama, tapi belum ada info lebih lanjut mengenai casting dan daftar pemain, maupun tanggal tayang. Nanti menjelang tayang, novel Remember When versi film akan dicetak ulang dengan kover poster.

A little bit of caveat... Mengingat banyak film yang berdasarkan buku tidak selalu sama persis dengan novelnya, dan setiap pilihan pemain pasti akan menyenangkan beberapa orang namun mengecewakan yang lainnya... Tentu saja tidak semua aspek dalam film dapat memuaskan setiap orang. Namun begitu, aku berharap segala sesuatunya akan berjalan lancar, apa pun pilihan akhirnya :-)

Sama seperti sebelumnya, aku tidak akan aktif terlibat dalam produksi film Remember When. Baik itu pemain, soundtrack, skenario akan sepenuhnya menjadi keputusan Rapi Film selaku production house.

That being said, mari kita nantikan dengan senang hati :D mudah-mudahan film Remember When akan membekas di hati kalian.

Sharing sedikit tentang Remember When.. which is my very first published novel. Bukan draf novel pertama, tapi proyek berbahasa Indonesia pertama yang ditulis setelah memutuskan ingin mengejar mimpi sebagai penulis. Judul awalnya Kenangan Abu-Abu, diterbitkan di tahun 2007 oleh Akoer, namun diterbitkan ulang di tahun 2011 oleh Gagas Media, versi reboot dengan kover baru dan sedikit revisi isi.

Remember When adalah cerita mengenai Freya dan Moses, Adrian dan Gia - dua pasang sahabat semasa SMA. Ini kisah kecil mengenai persahabatan mereka, mengenai cinta pertama, mengenai melepaskan, dan mengenai pengkhianatan. Mengenai mengerti diri sendiri dan orang-orang terdekat.

Remember When ditulis ketika aku berumur 20 tahun, dengan semangat menggebu-gebu untuk terus bermimpi. Saat itu aku baru saja bergabung di komunitas Kemudian, dan ingin menulis cerita bersambung mengenai cinta dan persahabatan. Naskahnya selesai dalam waktu 6 bulan, dari kumpulan cerita bersambung yang akhirnya berkembang menjadi novel.

Karena novel ini adalah salah satu karya pertamaku, it means a lot to me. Terima kasih sebesarnya untuk teman-teman semua yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membacanya.


Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

The inevitable break

I just realized I haven't written in months. Nearly three, to be exact.
Three months can be so long, at the same time feel so short.

I haven't written anything for months, although it is intentional, because I'm trying to gather ideas, take a break and prepare myself till I'm ready for a new draft.

There's another reason, which doesn't allow me much time to write, but it's entirely a different thing ;-)

Till my next book, TTYL.
