
This is the official blog of Winna Efendi, author of several bestselling Indonesian novels.

Minggu, 18 November 2007

Change of Plans

Hmmm. I spent ages reading Sweet Valley books, and lately they are slowly rubbing on me too much.

I try writing London Blues again, and although it is going fine, slowly but fine, I think I want to take a little break. I don't feel like writing my old characters now, and I want to write something new. So in about ten minutes of napping around today, I get this new idea, and it's so strong as usual that I want to jump in as soon as possible.

It's about two best friends living in a small city by the sea.. and..

I don't want to spoil anything. After all, I might not finish it anytime soon. I want to take my time and not feel pressured, since all pressure does is rub off on me and make me hurry and make my stories turn bad.

OK. Deep breath, slow steps, one by one.

I figure it's much better writing for myself than writing for other people. Not for my publisher, not for fame, not for aiming to get it published (although it's a nice perk and I hope it will be published), not for anyone else. Writing earns me inner pleasure, and it always turns out better and more natural than forced stories. So I hope this one will be better too :)

By the way, it is also in English. I haven't written in English for a long time, and I miss it.

Rabu, 14 November 2007

What am I?

I have written reviews

knick knacks

insignificant facts about me

raves and cravings

a little about life

but what about myself?

I guess so far I just have not written much about myself. I'm an introvert by nature - physically, mentally, socially. But then, when it comes to writing, I realize I'm also not very open.

I guess it is only when writing books and novels that you do not see the real me. And even if you do, you would not know which one of my experiences is real, and which part is actually me.

Jumat, 02 November 2007

(movie) Closer

If you believe in love at first sight, take a closer look.

Itu adalah tagline film Closer yang saya tonton semalam *akhirnya... karena DVD sebelumnya rusak*

Closer adalah film sederhana yang ternyata 'rumit', tentang empat orang yang sebelumnya tidak mengenal satu sama lain, lalu menjadi terhubung oleh suatu benang merah yang bernama cinta.

Daniel (Jude Law) adalah seorang penulis obituary yang jatuh cinta pada gadis stripper bernama Alice (Natalie Portman), yang ditemuinya di jalan. Tapi Daniel kembali jatuh cinta pada Anna (Julia Roberts), fotografer yang memotret foto diri untuk buku pertamanya.

Daniel secara tidak sengaja mempertemukan Anna dengan Larry (Clive Owen), dan keduanya menikah walau Anna masih mencintai Daniel. Dan mereka pun terlibat dalam affair-affair yang melukai pasangan mereka, dibalut dengan dendam, kesedihan, dan sakit hati yang akhirnya melukai diri mereka sendiri.

Beautiful movie. We cannot understand it without really paying attention and getting in the flow. I like the acting, everyone is very brilliant and engaging. Every scene makes me so touched, and every fight scene makes me.. want to cry because it is so believable.