
This is the official blog of Winna Efendi, author of several bestselling Indonesian novels.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Letting Go

Lagu Adele berputar lewat speaker kecil yang terhubung dengan komputer, suaranya teredam oleh bunyi mesin kopi yang bergetar pelan. Kamu meletakkan sebuah cangkir keramik untuk menampung kopi cair yang menetes turun – cangkir biru, dengan gagang putih; cangkir lamamu, yang tak pernah kubuang bahkan setelah tahun-tahun itu datang dan pergi.

“Kamu tak berubah,” itu katamu ketika kamu menyisihkan sepatumu di depan pintu, menginjakkan kaki di atas lantai parket yang dingin dan menyapukan pandangan ke sekeliling ruangan. Bingkai-bingkai kayu yang sama, cat dinding krem yang sama, aroma lemongrass seperti pewangi dalam mobil dan lemari pakaianku, semuanya. Tapi kamu salah – aku bukan lagi orang yang sama. Ketika memberitahukannya kepadamu, kamu tersenyum. “Oh ya?” katamu. “Masihkah kamu mendengarkan CD Secret Garden-mu setiap kali kamu sedih? Masih sering lupa mengambil koran pagi di depan pintu?”

Mungkin itulah caramu menentukan seberapa jauh aku telah berubah. Skala antara satu hingga sepuluh. Hal-hal kecil susah untuk diubah, kamu pernah bilang begitu. Hal-hal kecil seperti caramu menggenggam tanganku, dengan ibu jari memutari pangkal tanganku. Caramu meneliti wajahku untuk setiap mikro-ekspresi yang mungkin kau lewati. Caramu memasukkan sedikit lebih banyak merica setiap kali memasak. Itu adalah sebagian dari hal-hal kecil. Urusan lain, seperti cincin yang kini melingkari jari manismu, itu adalah hal-hal yang lebih besar.

Lalu, kamu menuang sisa kopi ke dalam cangkirku, tak lupa menambahkan sesendok gula merah, seperti kebiasaanku. Ketika menyerahkannya kepadaku, ekspresi di wajahmu adalah kesedihan. “Kopimu, just the way you like it.”

Aku mengambil tempat di atas karpet, dan bersyukur karena kamu tak bergerak dari posisimu di meja makan. Jarak di antara kita terlalu lebar, dan kurasa tidak satu pun dari kita yang berhak merapatkannya.

“Apa kabarmu?”

Aku sudah berlatih untuk adegan ini, adegan di mana kita tak sengaja berpapasan di jalan dan pandangan kita bertemu. Akankah aku memalingkan mata duluan, ataukah kamu yang akan terus berjalan seakan-akan kita tak pernah saling mengenal? Aku memainkannya di kepalaku beratus-ratus kali, meyakinkan diri sendiri bahwa aku akan menatapmu tepat di manik mata dan berjalan tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi ternyata, kita berdua sama-sama berhenti. Aku tidak tahu siapa yang duluan tersenyum. Aku ingat, kamulah yang pertama kali menyapa.

Aku tak pernah menyangka kamu akan ada di apartemenku sekarang. Ini di luar skenario. Bagian ini tak pernah hadir dalam versiku, kamu yang duduk dengan cangkir biru tuamu, di dapurku, berbicara denganku. Dalam versiku, kamu adalah bayang-bayang yang menghuni masa laluku, dan aku bertekad tetap mempertahankannya sedemikian rupa.

But I miss you, Ben. Aku kangen berpegangan tangan sembari meluncur sepanjang ring lapangan es, dengan butiran salju meleleh di bahu. Aku rindu berbagi secangkir kopi, berargumen mengenai seberapa banyak gula yang akan kita masukkan ke dalamnya. All those little things, and then the bigger stuffs as well.

We don’t have to change, you know.” Kamu menatapku lagi, aku yang sedang bermonolog dan berusaha melawan suara-suara dalam kepalaku. “Kita tak perlu menjadi orang asing bagi satu sama lain. Kamu adalah Julie, dan aku Ben. Kita saling mengenal, kita punya sejarah, kita adalah kita.”

“Yang kamu lupakan adalah fakta bahwa kita bukan lagi kita. Julie kembali menjadi Julie yang berusaha melupakan Ben, dan Ben.. aku tak tahu seperti apa dia sekarang. I’m not sure I care anymore.

Kamu terlihat terluka oleh pernyataan barusan. Bagian awal ucapanku jujur. Bagian akhirnya.. aku tak yakin apakah itu sepenuhnya benar.

“Julie.” Kamu akhirnya bangkit, meletakkan cangkirmu di atas meja di mana bagian bawahnya menyisakan lingkaran cokelat. “Mungkin lebih baik aku pergi.”

Perkataan itulah yang membuatku kehilangan kontrol, saat itu juga. Aku bangkit, berdiri di hadapanmu dan dengan penuh amarah memukulkan kedua tanganku ke dadamu, walau kamu hampir dua kali ukuranku dan dapat menyorokkanku dengan sekali dorong. Kamu diam saja, menerima pukulan demi pukulan, dan itu hanya membuatku semakin marah. Aku mengumpulkan semua air mata, semua sakit hati, dan setiap keberanianku untuk mengungkapkannya padamu, bahwa kamu selalu memilih untuk pergi saat keadaan tidak sesuai untukmu. Being gone is the only thing you’re good at.

Kemudian kedua tanganmu menggenggam milikku, dan kita berdua saling menatap dengan air mata mengaliri sisi-sisi wajah kita.

Kamu dan aku. Kita berdua, mengulangi apa yang terjadi hari itu. Aku hanya tak tahu apa yang akan kau lakukan selanjutnya.

Kamu tahu, yang perlu kita lakukan bukanlah berubah. Melepaskan. Hanya itu. Dan denganmu di sini, I think it is time.


my first short story in months. haven't written any in a while. needs some work and could've used some good editing, but it's all I've got at the moment. inspired by one of the last chapters of Adam and Mia's story in Where She Went.

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

(book) Where She Went

review : 4/5 stars.

I wasn't sold on If I Stay, but with this one, I am. Totally.

If I Stay wins best cover every single time, though. At first I was doubtful whether I'd like this one, since I'm not in love with the prequel.. but I'm glad I've decided to give it a chance. I might not like Mia all that much, but I do love Adam. He's sensitive, he's gentle, and he's a big softie. I like the fact that they're both adults now, zoom in three years later and fast forward - now look where they are and how they're doing. It's nice to see the aftermath of everything else, and how each is dealing with their own loss.

It's very well written, and I adore the writer for that. She can switch from Mia's voice to Adam's with great fluency, so smooth it doesn't ever hint that it's a female writer writing a character's voice. It's 100% Adam, the rock star, the suffering musician who is not sure who he is anymore. I love every single word he uses to explain himself, to show readers his heartbreak, beyond his life at the moment. He is flawed, but he's endearing, and kudos for exploring the depth of his soul.

It's more heartbreaking than the first one. I'm getting goosebumps just reading some passages, and I feel so happy when the ending concludes. Love it :)

Jumat, 11 November 2011

(movie) Real Steel

I came with expectations that I would like this movie, I just didn't expect I would love it so much. The start was a little slow but necessary, with a nice country song and cool cinematography of a man driving in a distance. And then we got to the real conflict, and came to know a very flawed man, selfish in his desires to make easy money and be as irresponsible as he could be. Plus there was an eleven year old boy, who, despite his age, was so mature and gave off this charm that was so genuine and heartwarming.

Sure, it's a movie about robots fighting each other. I sure don't adore boxing movies, as much as I don't really like watching people kill each other brutally. But then again, I never expected that I'd come to root for a robot (yes, you heard that right), to win a boxing match. Atom, the heroic robot, was made to look sympathetic, slightly human, with doe eyes and a plain face. Yes, he was plain, but the fact that he was made him anything other than ordinary.

I like how the main conflict has a mixture of human drama, ties between family and friends, father and son bond, father and robot bond, son and robot bond, and so much more. It's hilarious at times, but the comedic timing is right so it adds warm humor into the movie instead of playing with jokes that look like they were thrown just for the point of it. Then we have the action - which is unbelievably tense and so fun to watch. They did it to the point that we didn't get bored watching a series of robot fights over and over again, and till now I still marvel how they managed. Perhaps there was always something new in the fighting sequence, always a new environment, a combination of winning and losing, and a really touching scene near the end.

My only minor complaints are the poster and the ending. How I wish we could've seen the aftermath - who got custody in the end? What happened after the battle? It would be nice to see that. Then the poster - it's so bland. When it was on the cover of a movie magazine, I didn't even hesitate to look at it because all I could see was Hugh Jackman in a boxing pose, standing in front of a dark robot. I know it's probably to not compete with the high tech looking Transformers, but it doesn't let us know anything. It looks scruffy, boring, like a dark-age movie about fighting for one's honor and the world.. which is nothing like the movie. I wish we had the one I posted above, it's so much better.

So, we both loved the movie. Had an absolutely wonderful time and not a second wasted.


It's Saturday morning and I'm sitting on my writing chair, typing. Haven't touched my laptop in what seems like days, and it feels good to finally do it. I also haven't written a blog post in weeks, so my apologies.

It's November, which means it's nearing end of year. I have had so many projects to do this year, and hopefully all of them will surface in the market next year :-) I sincerely love each one of them, and can't wait to see them hit the shelves.

One particular project I'm writing on at the moment is Alice. Alice Bell is an eighteen year old girl from Belfast, Maine, a small city in close proximity to water - by that I mean the sea. She's awkward and quiet, like most of my characters, but she's also something else. I particularly love writing with a small beach city as my setting, it somehow gives off a melancholic aura. Alice has a quirky family, and also a quirky personality, so it's nice to give her more life in the pages :-) for some reasons I can't stop thinking about her, and how nice it'd be to be able to write more about her and who she is and how she lives.

This one's due for May 2012 publication, so we'll see.