
This is the official blog of Winna Efendi, author of several bestselling Indonesian novels.

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

(book) Shattered by Teri Terry

It was amazing how I rated the first two with three stars, and loved this one so completely I gave it five.

But in short, this book deserves every glowing star.

I was weary about continuing, because despite knowing how Kyla's adventure ends, there's also a little fleck of worry that it might not end with a bang. As soon as I started reading, all that worry diminished away and I was left satisfied, crazily turning page after page until I reached the end.

Kyla has grown so much, that I can see. I like that she's not mopey or clingy or teary all the time in spite of the heartache and difficulties she's facing. The synopsis promises dark secrets, and as I, along with our heroine, discover them, each proves to be darker than the other. It is good payoff, definitely.

The pace is quick but not rushed, the plot eventful, tight, beautifully crafted and planned. Dialogue as well as setting also shine, but most of all the character development is built so nicely that I want to hug and root for Kyla all the time.

That being said, I love it. Slated - Fractured - Shattered might be flawed, but they're addictive and nicely add to my shelves of much loved dystopian YA.

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