
This is the official blog of Winna Efendi, author of several bestselling Indonesian novels.

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

2011 Weekend Reads

It's been a really long time since I've read for pleasure, out of habit, and rigorously. Recently I've picked up where I've left off and started a new reading list, bought the books from my wishlist, and had fun with it. Not just catching up with the latest movies, I'm also reading good books again. Reading good books is like eating good food. It's not just an education, it's a guilty pleasure, it's an investment of a lifetime, window of the world.

So let's start off with my reading list this year. Growing, and growing.. and growing.
Ah well. At least I'm having fun.

- Room (Emma Donoghue)
I've heard so much rave reviews about this book, and have to say I fell in love with the cover, also the premise. It's always what makes me snatch a book.

- Tinkers (Paul Harding)
Winner of the Booker's Prize! I took it off the shelves and paid for it without hesitating much. Have also heard a lot about it.

- Hector and the Search of Happiness
Have heard once about it and quite liked the concept of it.. coz I'm also doing something related though different. Cute cover. Cute sequel: Hector and the Secrets of Love, if I'm not mistaken. Will be on the hunt for it when it comes out.

- Garis Perempuan (Sanie B Kuncoro)
Had it on my wishlist for months. Skimmed through it and liked it.

- The Art of Racing in the Rain (Garth Stein)
K, this one's a bestseller. I've read half of it, never finding the mood to pick it up again, despite loving it.

- Jingga dalam elegi (Esti Kinasih)
What can I say? I haven't even read the first novel. Picked it out coz I like Fairish a lot.

- Before I Fall (Lauren Oliver)
A recommended book from GoodReads. A girl is in a coma and relives her life seven times till she gets whatever it is that's bugging her right. Sounds cool.

- I Ordered My Wife from the Universe (Stanley Dirgapraja)
How cool is the title? Like the solitaire tree in the cover too. Have never finished his first book but kinda like the first skim though.

- Heart of the Matter (Emily Giffin)
I like Miss Giffin for a chicklit fix! And I don't read chicklits often! She's like my Sophie Kinsella alternative, but with more depth and less laughter. Just more stuffs to ponder on.

- Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
This one's a bookclub read. I haven't found the Wordsworth edition I'm looking for though. More excited about the movie, like I am with classics. The wardrobe, the lush cinematography and gorgeous setting, the hairdo, the posh accent, pretty faces.. I don't get them out of a book (directly, I mean).

- Olive Kitteridge (Elizabeth Strout)
A compilation of short stories. I kinda like her Amy and Isabelle. Read the first chapter. Kind of like it.

So, there goes my list!
I want this year to be super productive. Carpe diem :)

2 komentar:

mia mengatakan...

Wah belum pernah baca karya Emily G, kapan-kapan dicoba deh. Winna sudah baca The Book Thief? Itu bagus banget..

Winna Efendi mengatakan...

Sudah Mia.. iya bagus banget, one of my all time faves.