
This is the official blog of Winna Efendi, author of several bestselling Indonesian novels.

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Book Bazaar (over 350 titles): Imported & Local :)

Guys, mau jualan buku lagi nih :) seperti biasa, terms and conditions-nya:

1. Email judul yang dipesan lengkap dengan harganya ke winna.efendi@gmail.com, beserta nama, alamat lengkap dan telepon untuk perhitungan ongkos kirim JNE plus keperluan pengiriman.

2. Do not ask me the conditions of each book. Semua masih dalam keadaan layak kok, terutama yang ada keterangan (baru) artinya bukunya memang hanya lepas sampul plastik dan kondisi baru, sebagian belum dibaca. Semuanya dari koleksi perpustakaan pribadi, walau ada beberapa yang punya cap rental seperti Harlequin.

3. Pengiriman dilakukan setiap Senin Kamis, via JNE reguler dari Jakarta. Untuk yang mau tahu jumlah ongkir bisa dicek ke www.jne.co.id. Buku akan dikirim pada hari yang ditentukan saja.

4. Pembayaran via BCA ya, dan nggak punya rekening lain.

Happy browsing :)

Judul Penulis Bahasa Harga
The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Mysterious Howling (baru) Maryrose Wood English 85,000
Dark Love (baru) Ken Terate Indonesia 30,000
The Probability of Miracles (baru) Wendy Wunder English 85,000
Menuju(h) (baru) Various writers Indonesia 40,000
The Little Book of Perfumes (baru) Luca Turin & Tania Sanchez English 75,000
Eat Tweet: a twitter cookbook (baru) Maureen Evans English 80,000
Lex (baru) James Mylet English 80,000
A Stolen Life Jaycee Dugard English 80,000
22 Desain Perpustakaan di Rumah Imelda Akmal Indonesia 35,000
Klub Misteri (baru) Subaru Ueno Indonesia 15,000
Sejuta Bintang (baru) Mito Orihara Indonesia 15,000
I Give My First Love to You 1 (baru) Aoki Kotomi Indonesia 15,000
I Give My First Love to You 2 (baru) Aoki Kotomi Indonesia 15,000
Letter from the Dark (baru) Chie Watari Indonesia 15,000
Dunia Cermin (baru) Miyuki Takahashi Indonesia 15,000
Marry Me, Mary! 1 (baru) Soo Yeon Won Indonesia 17,000
Girls' Love Story (baru) Satori Tae Indonesia 15,000
Lukisan Merah (baru) Kanon Iguchi Indonesia 15,000
Aku Hilang (baru) Chie Watari Indonesia 15,000
Love Button 6 (baru) Usami Maki Indonesia 15,000
Forever Amber English 20,000
Serpihan Kenangan Various Indonesia 30,000
Seandainya (baru) Windhy Puspitadewi Indonesia 38,000
In Time For Christmas (baru) Katie Flynn English 75,000
Good Fight (baru) Christian Simamora Indonesia 45,000
Misteri Ernest (baru) Yoko Matsumoto Indonesia 15,000
Drops of God 1 (baru) Indonesia 15,000
Best Selection of Akaishi Michiyo 2 (baru) Indonesia 20,000
Ruang Temu: Antara Denting dan Ruang (baru) Maradilla Syachridar Indonesia 35,000
Next to you 6 (baru) Atsuko Namba Indonesia 15,000
Platonic Form (baru) Takashi Ikeda Indonesia 15,000
Becoming Jane (quotes dari Jane Austen) Anne Newgarden English 100,000
Becoming Jane Austen John Spence English 150,000
Come Back Claire Fontaine English 60,000
Hans Christian Andersen Seri tokoh dunia Indonesia 8,000
Komik autbiografi Mark Mobius Kaoru Kurotani Indonesia 10,000
Leonardo da Vinci Seri tokoh dunia Indonesia 8,000
Walt Disney Seri tokoh dunia Indonesia 8,000
15 Widsom Success Andrie Wongso Indonesia 20,000
30 menit menjadi webmaster Indonesia 10,000
30 Rahasia Cari Uang di Internet Dedi Indonesia 10,000
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R Covey Indonesia 25,000
All About MLM Benny Santoso Indonesia 10,000
Ayah Kaya Tidak Kaya John T Reed Indonesia 10,000
Belajar Trading Kusumarsono Hendarto Indonesia 15,000
Big Vision, Small Business Jamie S Walters Indonesia 10,000
Bikin uang bukan utang Jean Chatzky Indonesia 10,000
Blueprint kesuksesan Tommy Siawira Indonesia 15,000
Cara Cerdas Memulai Bisnis Sendiri Kevin Potts Indonesia 15,000
Cara Menjadi Miliarder Sharon Maxwell Magnus Indonesia 15,000
Catatan Keuangan dan Pasar Modal Ubaidillah Nugraha Indonesia 15,000
Forex Trading Ivan Susanto Indonesia 15,000
Freakonomics Steven D Levitt English 55,000
Genius Learning Strategy Adi W Gunawan Indonesia 20,000
How to be succesful in Network marketing MLM Tonny Lee Indonesia 20,000
How to Build Amazing Internet Business Hengki Ferdianto Indonesia 20,000
How to make money in stocks William J O'Neil Indonesia 20,000
How to make your money work for you Liu Fang Indonesia 20,000
Ilmu Makroekonomi Samuelson Nordhaus Indonesia 20,000
Jual Saham Anda Lebih Mahal Santo Vibby Indonesia 20,000
Kiat Bermain Saham Surono Subekti Indonesia 20,000
Manajemen edisi kesembilan jilid 2 Gibson Indonesia 20,000
Mega-Selling Rahasia seorang Penjual Ulung David Cowper Indonesia 20,000
Mendulang Rupiah Dari Bisnis Hobi M. Hariwijaya Indonesia 15,000
Mengelola Investasi Real Estat Andie A Wicaksono Indonesia 20,000
Mengelola Keuangan Keluarga Safir Senduk Indonesia 20,000
Mengelola Utang Menjadi Laba Peni R Pramono Indonesia 20,000
Mengembangkan Organisasi MLM yang menguntungkan Dr. Joe Rubino Indonesia 20,000
Menilai Harga Wajar Saham Andy Porman Tambunan Indonesia 20,000
Menjadi Kaya Melalui Reksa Dana Eko B Supriyanto Indonesia 20,000
Modal Kecil Untung Besar I Nyoman Londen Indonesia 20,000
No Diet Diet Ben Fletcher Indonesia 20,000
Panduan Berinvestasi Saham L. Thian Hin Indonesia 20,000
Petunjuk Hidup Tentram dan Bahagia Dale Carnegie Indonesia 20,000
Produktivitas dan efisiensi dengan Supply Chain Mgt Andi Ilham Said Indonesia 20,000
Profit Berlipat dengan Investasi Tanah dan Rumah Budi Santoso Indonesia 20,000
Reksa Dana Eko Priyo Pratomo Indonesia 20,000
Reksa Dana Investasiku Adler Haymans Manurung Indonesia 20,000
Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T Kiyosaki Indonesia 25,000
Sejumput Kisah Menawan Ida Kuraeny Bestio Indonesia 15,000
Siapa Takut Jadi Pengusaha Jackie Ambadar Indonesia 20,000
Smart Investment for Mega Profit Mega Options Team Indonesia 20,000
Struggle for Success Sihr' Arif Indonesia 20,000
Sukses Berinvestasi Ala Buffett James Pardoe Indonesia 20,000
The Financial Planner's View of MLM James Chia Indonesia 20,000
The Greatest Networker in the World John Milton Fogg Indonesia 20,000
The Intelligent Investor Benjamin Graham Indonesia 20,000
The Secret Rhonda Byrne Indonesia 35,000
The Secrets of the Equity Options Market Putut Susetyo Bagus W Indonesia 20,000
Wealth Management Ubaidillah Nugraha Indonesia 20,000
Wink and Grow Rich Roger Hamilton Indonesia 20,000
Heart Block Okke Sepatumerah Indonesia 20,000
I Ordered My Wife from the Universe Stanley Dirgapradja Indonesia 25,000
Jakarta-Paris Via French Kiss Syahmedi Dean Indonesia 40,000
KAU Sylvia L'Namira Indonesia 25,000
Langit Penuh Daya Dewie Sekar Indonesia 30,000
Lipstick Jungle (hardcover) Candace Bushnell English 80,000
Lontong Sayur Dalam Lembaran Fashion Syahmedi Dean Indonesia 40,000
Special Relationship Robyn Sisman English 50,000
Barbie the Island Resort Adventure Golden English 5,000
Kelas Dua di St. Clarke Enid Blyton Indonesia 8,000
Little House on the Prairie 1 - 9 (1 full set) Wilder English 450,000
Pippi si Kaus Panjang Astrid Lindgren Indonesia 15,000
Sekali lagi si paling badung Enid Blyton Indonesia 8,000
Si Badung Jadi Pengawas Enid Blyton Indonesia 8,000
Aneka Kreasi Cokelat Rini Wulandari Indonesia 8,000
Aneka Soto Nusantara Siti Fatimah Indonesia 8,000
Appetizer Favorit Ala Café Indonesia 8,000
Dumond's Lexicon of Wine English 200,000
Peta 100 Tempat Makan Jakarta Lilly T Erwin Indonesia 8,000
Sajian Ayam Goreng dan Panggang Lilly T Erwin Indonesia 8,000
Soto Nusantara Yuyun A Indonesia 15,000
The Food Traveler's Guide Bukune Indonesia 15,000
A Very Long Engagement Sebastien Japrisot English 50,000
A Year of Treasures Elizabeth Berg English 40,000
Big Size - Sebuah Novel Tentang Keperkasaan Lelaki Akoer Indonesia 15,000
Chocolat Joanne Harris English 40,000
Chrysan Indonesia 20,000
Laskar Pelangi Andrea Hirata Indonesia 30,000
Lyddie Katherine Patterson Indonesia 5,000
Pirouette Various English 70,000
Primary Color Anonim Indonesia 10,000
The Birth of Venus Sarah Dunant English 50,000
The Elegance of the Hedgehog Muriel Barbery English 100,000
The English Patient Michael Oondatje English 60,000
The Golden Road LM Montgomery Indonesia 35,000
The Reader Bernard Schlink English 60,000
The Romantics Galt Niederhoffer English 120,000
The Shoe Queen Anna Davis English 60,000
The Stepford Wives Ira Levin English 40,000
The Teahouse Fire Ellis Avery English 60,000
The Tenth Circle Jodi Picoult English 60,000
The Virgin's Lover Philippa Gregory English 60,000
Veronika Decides to Die Paulo Coelho English 60,000
Embroideries Marjane Satrapi Indonesia 5,000
Pertempuran Penghabisan Ernest Hemingway Indonesia 8,000
The Complete Novels of Jane Austen Jane Austen English 125,000
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee English 50,000
What Maisie Knew Henry James English 60,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Agustus 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Agustus 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia April 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Desember 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Februari 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Januari 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Juli 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Juli 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Juni 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Juni 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Maret 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Mei 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Mei 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia November 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Oktober 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia Oktober 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia September 2008 Indonesia 5,000
Readers Digest Indonesia September 2009 Indonesia 5,000
Adolf 1 Osamu Tezuka Indonesia 8,000
Angin Musim Gugur Kyoko Hikawa Indonesia 15,000
Beauty is the beast 1 Tomo Matsumoto Indonesia 10,000
Beauty is the beast 2 Tomo Matsumoto Indonesia 10,000
Beauty is the beast 3 Tomo Matsumoto Indonesia 10,000
Beauty is the beast 4 Tomo Matsumoto Indonesia 10,000
Beauty is the beast 5 Tomo Matsumoto Indonesia 10,000
Bittersweet High School 1 Park Sun Kyung Indonesia 10,000
Cooking Master Boy 10 Indonesia 3,000
Cooking Master Boy 12 Indonesia 3,000
Cooking Master Boy 3 Indonesia 3,000
Cooking Master Boy 9 Indonesia 3,000
Daddy Long Legs 1 Kim Hyoung Jun Indonesia 10,000
Daddy Long Legs 2 Kim Hyoung Jun Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 1 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 2 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 3 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 4 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 5 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 6 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 7 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 7 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dawn Aria 8 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Dear 1 Yu Ito Indonesia 10,000
Dear 2 Yu Ito Indonesia 10,000
Golden Book Kyoko Hikawa Indonesia 15,000
Here is Greenwood 3 Yuki Nasu Indonesia 10,000
How Much is Happiness 1 Usami Maki Indonesia 10,000
How Much is Happiness 2 Usami Maki Indonesia 10,000
Ibu Indonesia 10,000
Imadoki 1 Watase Yuu Indonesia 10,000
Imadoki 2 Watase Yuu Indonesia 10,000
Imadoki 3 Watase Yuu Indonesia 10,000
Imadoki 4 Watase Yuu Indonesia 10,000
Imadoki 5 Watase Yuu Indonesia 10,000
Juliet's Eggs 1 Yoshino Sakumi Indonesia 10,000
Juliet's Eggs 2 Yoshino Sakumi 10,000
Juliet's Eggs 3 Yoshino Sakumi 10,000
Kakifly 4 Indonesia 5,000
Kanami 1 Chie Ito Indonesia 10,000
Kanami 2 Chie Ito Indonesia 10,000
Kristal Putih 1 Hiromi Mashiba Indonesia 10,000
Kristal Putih 2 Hiromi Mashiba Indonesia 10,000
La Corda D'Oro 1 Yuki Kure Indonesia 5,000
La Corda D'Oro 2 Yuki Kure Indonesia 5,000
La Corda D'Oro 3 Yuki Kure Indonesia 5,000
La Corda D'Oro 4 Yuki Kure Indonesia 5,000
Love Sign 1 Usami Maki 10,000
Love Sign 2 Usami Maki 10,000
Love Sign 3 Usami Maki 10,000
Love Sign 4 Usami Maki 10,000
Love Sign 5 Usami Maki 10,000
Manga Yuugi Manual Watase Yuu Indonesia 10,000
My Life 1 Reiko Momochi Indonesia 10,000
My Life 2 Reiko Momochi Indonesia 10,000
My Life 3 Reiko Momochi Indonesia 10,000
My Life 4 Reiko Momochi Indonesia 10,000
My Real 17 Yukari Kawachi Indonesia 10,000
Pastel Mood Kyoko Hikawa Indonesia 15,000
Q & A 1 Adaichi Mitsuru Indonesia 10,000
Red Haired Anne 1 Yumiko Igarashi Indonesia 10,000
Red Haired Anne 2 Yumiko Igarashi Indonesia 10,000
Red Haired Anne 3 Yumiko Igarashi Indonesia 10,000
Red Haired Anne 4 Yumiko Igarashi Indonesia 10,000
Scramble Next Door 1 Yuki Nakaji Indonesia 5,000
Sejuta Cinta Mayumi Ishii Indonesia 10,000
Tabi and Fellow Travelers 1 Indonesia 10,000
Tabi and Fellow Travelers 2 Indonesia 10,000
Tabi and Fellow Travelers 3 Indonesia 10,000
The Running Bus Mizu Sahara Indonesia 10,000
Unrequited Venus 1 Yuki Nakaji Indonesia 5,000
Yesterday Mizuho Aimoto Indonesia 10,000
Yoru ga Owaranai 1 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Yoru ga Owaranai 2 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Yoru ga Owaranai 3 Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 10,000
Buku Pintar Ketawa Lagi Edi Sigar Indonesia 10,000
Kado Miranda Ruwi Meita Indonesia 10,000
The Legends J.D Rasz Indonesia 10,000
Until Now (hardcover photo book) Anne Geddes English 100,000
Chicken Soup for the Romantic Soul Various Indonesia 25,000
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Tough stuff Various English 25,000
Daily Candy A to Z (hardcover) Daily Candy English 70,000
Teen Love: On Relationships Various Indonesia 30,000
The 7 Laws of Hapiness Arvan Pradiansyah Indonesia 20,000
The Rules of Love Richard Templar Indonesia 50,000
Truly Mars and Venus John Gray Indonesia 30,000
Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love Allan Barbara Pease Indonesia 30,000
A Marriage Made In Heaven Barbara Cartland Indonesia 20,000
A Royal Pain Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Act Of Will Barbara Taylor Bradford Indonesia 10,000
Blithe Images Nora Roberts Indonesia 10,000
Borrowed Dreams Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Claiming His Bride Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Count The Stars Barbara Cartland Indonesia 10,000
Dark Pursuit Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Di Hatimu Aku Berlabuh 1 Marga T Indonesia 20,000
Di Hatimu Aku Berlabuh 2 Marga T Indonesia 20,000
Di Hatimu Aku Berlabuh 3 Marga T Indonesia 20,000
Di Hatimu Aku Berlabuh 4 Marga T Indonesia 20,000
Dreams Do Come True Barbara Cartland Indonesia 10,000
Dual Image Nora Roberts Indonesia 10,000
Gift-Wrapped Baby Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Her Dream Comes True Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
His Dessert Rose Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Kabut Cinta Chiung Yao Indonesia 30,000
Lelaki Impian Linda Howard Indonesia 10,000
Love At The Helm Barbara Cartland Indonesia 10,000
Loving Jack Nora Roberts Indonesia 10,000
Mail-Order Marriage Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Message from Nam Indonesia 10,000
Never Say Never Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
No Escape From Love Barbara Cartland Indonesia 10,000
One Fiance To Go, Please Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (hardcover) James Patterson English 60,000
The Duchess Disappeared Barbara Cartland Indonesia 10,000
The Fatherhood Secret Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
The Poor Governess Barbara Cartland Indonesia 10,000
The Private Eye Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
The Unexpexted Wedding Gift Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Too Hot For Comfort Harlequin Indonesia 10,000
Chicken Soup for the Couples's Soul Jack Canfield English 60,000
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III Jack Canfield English 60,000
Blubber Indonesia 10,000
Deenie Indonesia 10,000
Frankie, Peaches And Me Indonesia 10,000
Hey Conchita ! Indonesia 10,000
Hidup Love Is Blind ! Indonesia 10,000
Indigo Girls Indonesia 10,000
Just Don't Make A Scene, Mum ! Indonesia 10,000
Kos "Full Colour" Indonesia 10,000
Life Indonesia 10,000
Love You Berry Much Indonesia 10,000
Loving Yudha Indonesia 10,000
Njelimet Itu Cinta ! Indonesia 10,000
Pejuang Cinta Indonesia 10,000
Planet Janet Indonesia 10,000
Sihir Cinta Indonesia 10,000
Soccer Love Indonesia 10,000
Sweet Talking TJ Indonesia 10,000
The Girls Guide To Hunting And Fishing Indonesia 10,000
The Uncensored Confession Indonesia 10,000
A Prayer For The Dying Jack Higgins Indonesia 10,000
Broken Hearts RL Stine Indonesia 10,000
Daddy's Little Girl Mary Higgins Clark English 50,000
Day Of Judgement Jack Higgins Indonesia 10,000
Dead Until Dark Charlaine Harris English 50,000
Goosebumps Ding Dong Matilah Kau RL Stine Indonesia 5,000
Goosebumps Eksperimen Maut Dr Eeek RL Stine Indonesia 5,000
Karangan Bunga Untuk Si Rambut Merah Peter Chambers Indonesia 5,000
Living Dead in Dallas Charlaine Harris English 50,000
Musibah Baru Fear Street Indonesia 5,000
Night Of The Fox Jack Higgins Indonesia 5,000
Pengadilan Malam Hari Di Sinos Jack Higgins Indonesia 5,000
Serangan Mutan Betopeng Goosebumps Indonesia 5,000
Serigala Navajo Tony Hillerman Indonesia 5,000
Shapes The X Files Indonesia 5,000
Solo Jack Higgins Indonesia 5,000
The Crush Sandra Brown English 50,000
The Thrill Of Victory Sandra Brown Indonesia 5,000
The Wrath Of God Jack Higgins Indonesia 5,000
Two Little Girls in Blue Mary Higgins Clark English 50,000
Voltage The X Files Indonesia 5,000
Whirlwind The X Files Indonesia 5,000
Hong Kong Citiescape Lonely Planet English 70,000
Periplus Guide to Bali Periplus English 100,000
Singapore Citiescape Lonely Planet English 70,000
Tokyo Citiescape Lonely Planet English 70,000
Walking London Andrew Duncan English 100,000
A Certain Slant of Light Laura Whitcomb English 80,000
Coraline Neil Gaiman English 70,000
Define Normal Julie Ann Peters English 40,000
I Heart You, You Haunt Me Lisa Schroeder English 70,000
Life on the Refrigerator Door (hardcover) Alice Kuipers English 80,000
The Golden Compass Phillip Pullman English 60,000
The Leap Jonathan Stroud English 40,000
Tithe Holly Black English 50,000
Wake Lisa McMann English 60,000
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte English 30,000
Jingga Dalam Elegi Esti Kinasih Indonesia 40,000
The Lover's Dictionary (hardcover, baru) David Levithan English 150,000
Heart of the Matter (baru) Emily Giffin English 70,000
The Time Machine (hardcover, baru) LG Wells English 50,000
Tinkers (baru) Paul Harding English 90,000
The Painter of Shanghai (baru) Jennifer Cody Epstein English 80,000
Sugar Queen (baru segel) Sarah Addison Allen Indonesia 40,000
Heaven on Earth (baru) KK Hy Indonesia 30,000
Grotesque (baru) Natsuo Kirino Indonesia 50,000
Fly me to the moon (segel baru) Mariskova Indonesia 30,000
Nobody's Boy (segel baru) Indonesia 40,000
Spring in London (segel baru) Ilana Tan Indonesia 35,000
Bibir dalam pispot (baru, segel) Hamsad R Indonesia 30,000
Stealing Home Cinta yang Terenggut (baru segel) Sherryl Woods Indonesia 35,000
Claiming the Cattleman's heart (baru segel) Barbara Hannay Indonesia 25,000
To Sir Phillip with Love (baru segel) Julia Quinn Indonesia 35,000
Goong 14 (baru segel) Park So Hee Indonesia 10,000
A Wallflower Christmas Lisa Kleypas Indonesia 30,000
Sailor Moon lengkap 1-18 Naoko Takeuchi Indonesia 1 set 360rb
Towa Kamo Shirenai 1-8 lengkap Michiyo Akaishi Indonesia 1 set 160rb

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